基本信息 姓名:马志勇 英文名:Ma Zhiyong 职称:副教授 办公室:15号楼503室 邮箱:zyma@sspu.edu.cn 个人简介: 马志勇,男,汉族,中共党员,博士,副教授。现为上海第二工业大学数理与统计学院教师。研究方向为:偏微分方程,无穷维动力系统及其控制理论,吸引子,至今发表学术论文20余篇,主持和参与多项自然科学基金。 教育背景: 2007/09-2010/07,东华大学,理学院数学系,博士,导师:秦玉明 2004/09-2007/07,河南大学, 数学与统计学院,硕士,导师:秦玉明 2002/09-2004/9,河南师范大学,数学学院,学士 工作经历: 2010/07-至今,上海第二工业大学,文理学部理学院应用数学系,副教授 2014/09-2015/07,复旦大学数学科学学院,数学系,访问学者 研究方向: 偏微分方程,无穷维动力系统及其控制理论,吸引子。 主讲课程: 《数学分析》、《高等数学》、《线性代数》、《常微分方程》 主持项目: 国家自然科学基金数学天元基金,11326047,非线性热(粘)弹方程及其吸引子,2014/01-2014/12,3万元,已结题,主持。 上海市教委高校青年教师培养资助项目,zzegd12006,非线性热(粘)弹方程及其吸引子,2012/01-2014/12,4万元,已结题,主持。 代表性论著: 著作 ● Yuming Qin, Zhiyong Ma, Global Well-posedness and Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions to Non-classical Thermo(visco)elastic Models. Springer, 2016.8 论文 ●Zhiyong Ma*, Uniform Attractors for a Non-autonomous Thermoviscoelastic Equation with Strong Damping, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2018, 6(12), 2475-2497 ●Zhiyong Ma*, 带有强阻尼的非线性热粘弹方程能量的衰减, 上海第二工业大学学报,2017,34(2):131-133. ●Zhiyong Ma*, Decay Rate for a Viscoelastic Equation with Strong Damping and Acoustic Boundary Conditions, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2017, 5(5), 922-932. ●Zhiyong Ma*, Discussion on Teaching Reform of Mathematical Analysis, Advandces in social science education and humanities research, 2016, ISSHP, Atlantis press, 119-121. ●Zhiyong Ma*, 带有记忆的热弹盘方程整体吸引子的存在性, 上海第二工业大学学报,2015,31(4):316~319 ●Zhiyong Ma*, Polynomial stability for Timoshenko-type system with past history, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 623 (2014) pp 78-84. ● Zhiyong M*a, Global attractors for non-linear viscoelastic equation with strong damping,Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2013, 78-85. ●Zhiyong Ma*, Global attractors for viscoelastic equation with nonlinear damping, 2012 International Conference on computer science and mathematics physical education, and management, 2012. ● Zhiyong Ma*, Uniform decay for nonlinear thermoviscoelastic equations with strong damping, Universal journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences, 2(2012), 137-145. ● Zhiyong Ma*, Global existence for nonhomogeneous viscoelastic system with memory, Scientific Journal of Mathematics Research (SJMR), Vol.2 No.1, Feb. 2012, 12-16 ● Zhiyong Ma*, Linrui Zhang, Global existence for thermoelastic plates with memory, Chin. Quart. J. of Math 382-388, 27(3), 2012 ● Zhiyong Ma*, Ling rui Zhang and Xinguang Yang, Exponential stability for a Timoshenko-ytpe system with history, JMAA, 380(2011), 299-312. ● Zhiyong Ma*, Exponential stability and global attracrors for a thermoelastic Beress system, Advance in Difference equations, Volume 2010, article ID 748789, 15 pages. ● Zhiyong Ma*, Stability and global attractors for thermoelastic bresse system, Applicable Anlysis, 2011, 1–12. ● Zhiyong Ma*, Global Existence of the Higher-Dimensional Linear System of Thermoviscoelasticity, International Journal of Differential Equations,Volume 2011, Article ID 941679, 17 pages.